Rhiza Neighbouring Rights

Thanks for taking up the recommendation from our in-venue, in-store radio and in-flight entertainment music partner, Rhiza Music.

Why join Sentric for Neighbouring Rights?
Sentric are a respected Neighbouring Rights Administration Management company and can efficiently collect all Neighbouring Rights royalties for artists and bands that are playlisted across Rhiza Music’s network and distribute this revenue back to the master rights owners.

If you own your masters/master recordings, Sentric can register them in more than 90% of the market and cover the rest through their active partnerships, to ensure you receive all the neighbouring rights royalties generated when your recordings are publicly performed around the world.

  • We take 20% of any NR royalties we administer with no upfront costs.
  • Please note – Sentric can only sign up master rights/self release clients to Neighbouring Rights if they are 100% published through Sentric Music as well.
  • Sentric offer a 28-day deal agreement for Jukebox & Sync Opportunities via Rhiza Music.

Self-Releasing Artist? Master Rights Owner? Access Sentric’s Neighbouring Rights Management here.